When it comes to providing a robust basis for difficult decisions, you consistently seem able to build bricks out of straw.

About TTAC

I established TTAC Ltd in 2001 as my own independent consulting practice, specialising in risk and uncertainty.  You can read more about my background and experience in the More About Tony link (below right).

TTAC has carried out over 130 consultancy and research projects for a wide variety of customers primarily in the UK and New Zealand, but also in the Netherlands and Australia.

While TTAC is very much my own consulting practice, it is more than a "one man band".  I sponsor one or two university students at a time in return for help with research and projects during vacations (one of these, Matt, went on to work very happily with TTAC on a full time basis for over 3 years), and I regularly partner with other organisations with complementary skills.

What Sort of CONSULTING does ttac do?

My/our work generally involves evaluating problems and devising innovative solutions rather than multi-£ million projects to put solutions into practice - we are not interested in contracting out major functions of large organisations, designing large IT systems, or rolling out new processes to thousands of staff.   TTAC projects often involve technical complexity, conflicting stakeholder views, or dealing with rare but severe "black swan" type events (or all three!).  You can get a flavour from the example published projects on the PROJECTS link (above left).

Whatever TTAC does I pride myself on my/our independence, integrity, and ability quickly to get to the bottom of pretty much any problem, regardless of technical or other complexity (and come up with practical, effective solutions!).  Important features of TTAC that I know my/our customers value include:


One of the nice things about having your own business is that you can put your money where your mouth is.  If any customer is every unhappy about the quality or value of what TTAC does for them, we’ll work at our expense until they are happy, or let them name a price that represents fair value for TTAC's contribution..