welcome to TTAC Limited
TTAC Ltd is Tony Taig's specialist management consulting practice, aiming to help people and organisations deal more effectively with risk and uncertainty.
ABOUT US explains TTAC's and Tony's background and pedigree
WHAT WE DO describes the services we provide, and discusses some lessons learned in over 30 years working in this area.
PROJECTS provides an introduction to a sample of past TTAC projects and links to published reports.
CUSTOMERS lists organisations for whom we have worked to date..
We like to keep things simple, including our web site. Any feedback on the site or other things you'd like to see on it would be very welcome; just CONTACT US.
The quotes on various pages are all genuine things people have said about working with TTAC, verbatim or closely paraphrased. When appropriate we are happy to supply references so you can ask our customers about us for yourself.
The photos at the top of each page provide an indication of the breadth of areas in which we work. They are largely stock photos (thanks to Freefoto.com for many of them!), and are not indicative of specific organisations with whom we've worked.